About the project
School years leave their mark in the life of every person for all life. It is time not only for studying, but also a period of active socialization, self-realization, revealing of talents, abilities and abilities of each student. It is often a period when children gain their first experience of public speech, reveal their organizational and leadership skills, learn to communicate with other people and all over the world. That is why The Charity Fund "Pan Femili" ("Пан Фемілі") pays special attention to the improvement of schools.
One of the first things we did this year was to allocate funds for the renovation of the assembly hall and purchase of equipment for school #2 in Khmilnyk city. Practically all the non-educational part of the school life of pupils is connected with the assembly hall – concerts, competitions, performances, festive evenings and other events take place here. Therefore, it is important that children here were pleasant, comfortable, comfortable and safe.
Thanks to the help of the Fund, the walls were repaired in the assembly hall of Khmilnytska School №2, the floors were replaced, the doors were restored and the stage of the assembly hall was strengthened. Additional equipment was purchased for the assembly hall, in particular, speakers, microphones, sound amplifier.
Since the opening of the school, the assembly hall has not been overhauled – only periodically liquidated critical emergency situations that arose in the process of operation, the budget funds for this is always not enough. In the charity fund "Pan Femili" decided to correct this situation and make its contribution to the various, interesting, rich and creative school life of students of the Khmilnytska school №2.
The school's management noted that it was a long time ago a question #1 for the educational institution to repair the assembly hall and purchase the necessary equipment for it.
The head of charitable organization Oleksandr Pan and his wife Liliya noted that to repair the assembly hall and to buy the necessary equipment for it has long been a topical issue for this school, because students in it are many, they are active, want to express themselves, develop and learn new, and for this purpose necessary proper conditions.
"We are very pleased that we were able to join the creation of space for interesting and useful leisure of schoolchildren. This is very important for the formation of future personalities", – noted in the fund.